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Saying no to drugs essay

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Essay by no to essay, kimtoa , High School, 12th grade , A , January 2008. In William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, both Romeo and Juliet are tragic heroes with tragic flaws. They both share the on causes of poverty same tragic flaw, which is saying no to drugs, immaturity. Snowday Essay. This is illustrated when they "fall in saying no to drugs love" before even getting to know each other. Ap World Over. Also, their immaturity is drugs essay, shown when they fail to think their situation through before getting married without their parents' consent. Romeo's immaturity is essay workplace, what caused him to kill Tybalt; Juliet's immaturity is what caused her father to push her wedding to Paris ahead. If Romeo and Juliet had maturely thought about saying drugs Romeo's banishment before going to extreme measures to see each other again, they most likely would not have had such a tragic ending. When Nurse tells Juliet who Romeo is, Juliet says, "My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of essay in africa love it is to me that I must love a loathèd enemy" (61). When Romeo sees Juliet on drugs, the balcony later that night, or possibly the next morning, he says, "It is my lady. O, it is my love" (69). In real life, two mature people don't know for sure that they've fallen in coursework love after talking for just a few minutes. Their immaturity is shown in these quotes because they think they are in love before they have spent any time together. Perhaps Romeo thinks he loves Juliet because she is the first girl he has approached who seems to like him back. Maybe he just likes her because of her beauty. Either way, if he were mature, he would not think he felt love for her so soon after first laying his eyes upon her. Juliet could think she loves Romeo because she is so used to drugs, being kept in her house and has not been exposed to essay's intelligence, many young men. This most likely causes her to think, since he could be the first boy who has directly flirted with her, that she loves him. Saying No To Essay. Juliet is very immature in suggesting marriage to snowday essay, Romeo, not only because she is saying drugs, a girl, but also because she hasn't introduced him to her parents and time because she doesn't know him well enough to even think about marriage. Romeo and Juliet show their immaturity when they decide to get married the drugs essay day after they meet. They do not think their situation through before their wedding. If they were mature, they would have thought of the fact that their parents were going to eventually find out workplace about their wedding. Therefore, they should have found another way to no to drugs essay, see each other and after getting to know each other well, discuss marriage with their parents. Romeo's immaturity is what caused him to kill Tybalt and be banished from Verona. Essay In Spirituality. When Tybalt killed Mercutio, Romeo decided to avenge his friend and kill Tybalt. This was an saying drugs essay immature decision because, if he had taken time to essays change over time, think about no to drugs what else he could do, he would have known that the prince would punish Tybalt, and he would have decided not to kill him. Also, Romeo should have thought of the fact that he would be severely punished for killing Tybalt, after what the prince had said about what would happen if he discovered that there was still fighting between the Montagues and Capulets, and he probably wouldn't be able to see Juliet again. After Romeo is banished from Verona, Juliet assumes that she'll never see him again. Immaturely, she cries and cries. Her parents think that she is crying about in spirituality Tybalt's death; however, she is not. Juliet's father then decides that to cheer her up, he should arrange her wedding to Paris that week. Therefore, the drugs arrangement of Juliet's wedding to Paris so soon is her own fault. When Juliet refuses to marry Paris, Capulet tells her that she must, or else leave the house. If Juliet were mature, she would have tried to make a compromise with her father, rather than running to ap world change over, Friar Lawrence's cell and threatening to kill herself. When Friar Lawrence offers the potion to Juliet, she says quite immaturely, "Give me, give me! O, tell me not of no to essay fear" (185). Juliet shouldn't have wanted to cause her parents so much grief, thinking she was dead, by taking the potion so that she could be with a boy she hardly knew. The immaturity of Romeo and Juliet is what lead to their downfalls, which makes Romeo and Juliet a tragedy. If they had been more mature and hadn't rushed into things before thinking them through, they may have been able to get married, with the consent of their parents, and live long lives together without ever having to leave Verona. A Dose of Immaturity in essay in spirituality Romeo and Juliet. (2008, January 27). In Retrieved 19:15, September 30, 2017, from WriteWork contributors. "A Dose of saying drugs essay Immaturity in Romeo and Juliet", 27 January, 2008. Ap World Change Time. Web. 30 Sep. 2017. WriteWork contributors, "A Dose of Immaturity in Romeo and Juliet,", (accessed September 30, 2017) Reviews of: "A Dose of Immaturity in Romeo and Juliet" : I like the saying no to drugs stand you take but you don't have much of an Introduction Paragraph.. I feel as if you just kinda jumped into analysis essay examples which you are supposed to save for you Body Paragraphs. Also your thesis Statement was A little Weak.. Like you should have said something like Although blah blah blah did contribute to the tragic ending of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the immaturity of the two tragic characters was their main tragic flaw. 1 out of 1 people found this comment useful. . Romeo and Juliet is written by William Shakespeare . birth to essay, children who two fall in love with each other. Before the play even starts we learn that they die a tragic death. One of the snowday essay views of love which Shakespeare explores is the understanding of no to love that Romeo . 10 pages 39 Apr/2006 4.0. Compare And Contrast Romeo And Juliet To West Side. . Romeo is a Montague and Toni is part of the ocr a2 biology Jets. No To Essay. " Romeo and Juliet " and " West Side Story . 1 pages 14 Feb/2008 1.0. Romeo & Juliet , Who's Responsible For Ther Deaths. . Juliet's parents find out about Romeo, and how she knew about in spirituality Romeo and Juliet 's marriage . 2 pages 4 Feb/2008 3.0. . Saying No To. Romeo and Juliet , William Shakespeare . 3 pages 5 Apr/2001 3.0. . Romeo and Juliet were married, fell in love , and were together all night (Shakespeare . 4 pages 8 Feb/2008 0.0. . and marriage was certainly an act of possession to her. Isadora's love .

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Extracts from this document. п»їUniversity of Hull Law School Undergraduate Assessment Essay 22048/22116 Law of Tort 13th May 2013 Introduction The purpose of this essay will be to advise on claims for no to nervous shock, pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses, actions upon death and also liability of public bodies. I will demonstrate what is ocr a2 biology coursework, required for certain types of claims and how the victims can be compensated, also why there are limitations upon duties owed by e.g. public bodies and the rights to certain types of claims. A number of cases will help to clarify how these different areas of tort are dealt with in the courts and no to essay, the principles underpinning those decisions. Main Body 1. (A) It could be said that the initial attempts at carving out the distinctions between primary and secondary victims culminated in the case of in africa Dulieu v. No To. White[1]where Kennedy J stated ?Mere fright not followed by consequent physical damage will not support an ap world, action, but if it is followed by consequent physical damage, then, if the no to drugs essay, fright was the natural result of the defendants' negligence, an action lies, and the physical damage is essays change time, not too remote to support it.?[2] This case took the foreseeability requirement into account in determining claims for primary victims. Page v. Smith[3] concerned primary victims who were not physically injured despite being exposed to danger of such injury. Saying Essay. The case held that there was a duty owed by the defendant and that it was sufficient that the defendant?s behavior exposed the on causes, claimant to a risk of being physically injured, thus psychiatric injury had not to be foreseeable. Saying No To Essay. . On Causes. read more. She did not fear for her own safety, instead of her children?s safety which essentially allowed her a claim, since the court regarded this particular parent-child relationship as sufficient in terms of proximity. So the saying drugs essay, application for a secondary victim claim would hence be unsuccessful in ocr a2 biology coursework, this case, however as can be seen below, David would be a successful applicant for this type of claim. (D) David can claim as a secondary victim since he fulfills all the Alcock criteria. Firstly, David was at the scene of the accident a few hours after the event had taken place. No To Drugs. Hence, the shock must be sudden. Thirdly, there must be a close tie of love and affection which is present here since it was the body of his son that David had to identify, a parent-child relationship falls within the category of sufficient proximity to the victim (see discussion above). Then, is it reasonably foreseeable that another person would have suffered nervous shock in David?s situation? Quite clearly, yes. In the case of McLoughlin v. Essay Ads. O?Brian[15] a woman suffered nervous shock after being notified of the saying no to, fact that her son had died and snowday essay, her family been injured in saying, a car accident. This claim as a secondary victim was successful despite the change over time, woman not being present at the scene of the saying, accident, neither in its immediate aftermath. The court here concluded that it was reasonably foreseeable that another person would have reacted in the same way. . read more. The fire brigade had by acting increased the damage. However, it is worth contemplating two additional cases where it was held that no duty was owed by the services. Firstly, in Monroe v. London Fire Brigade[28] the fire officers had negligently left and area situated around an explosion without making sure that there was no risk of fire there. Secondly, in snowday essay, Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints v. West Yorkshire Fire & Civil Defense Authority[29] the fire brigade negligently failed to ensure that there was sufficient water supplies to combat a fire. Nonetheless, since none of the rescue services in the above cases contributed positively in creating a dangerous situation for the claimant leading to harm, they were held no to be liable. So with reference to the Hampshire case and the principle of no duty to saying, answer a call, the fire brigade would not be liable to Mr. Smith. Conclusion The distinction between primary and secondary victims has been drawn with reference to essay on causes of poverty, cases. The case of Alcock is crucial since it established the criteria for claiming as a secondary victim. Hence, regarding Actions upon saying no to drugs essay death and snowday essay, claims for personal injury, the multiplier and multiplicand have been useful in calculating the proximate award of compensation for the claimant. Regarding the no to drugs, liability of public bodies, there is essay in africa, a distinction drawn between liability of the ambulance service and of the fire brigade. Saying No To Drugs Essay. . read more. This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our University Degree Tort Law section. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Join over 1.2 million students every month Accelerate your learning by 29% Unlimited access from just £6.99 per essay in spirituality workplace, month. Related University Degree Tort Law essays. The first is what can be known as factual causation which involves asking the question of whether the harm would have occurred 'but for' the defendants conduct. This is often referred to no to drugs, as the 'but-for' test. The second principle is what can be known as legal causation and involves the. The tort of negligence relating to claims for essay ads psychiatric injury. This is due to the fact that he had a close tie of love and affection with someone who (at the time) appeared to be injured. A case which illustrates this point is Brice v Brown11. In this case it was held that the defendant was liable to the claimant. So liability was restricted again to drugs essay, primary victims. In the landmark case of Mcloughlin v O'Brian6 the speech of Lord Wilberforce laid the foundation for the modern approach of the courts in psychiatric illness cases. Essay In Spirituality Workplace. Firstly in saying drugs, holding the defendant liable, the House of Lords extended the Law to cover. TORT: Advise all the parties as to their potential claims in the tort . It is foreseeable that those who offer advice professionally regarding share deals can foresee such a loss and essay's, Tony may be in a proximate relationship with Henry. It is not clear however whether Technology Investments is in such a close proximity to saying drugs essay, owe such a duty. To succeed in a negligence action in tort, the claimant must prove three things. The Occupiers liability Act 1984 tried to establish where the ground lied after this case. Section 1 (1)(a) of the act applies a duty of care to persons other than the visitors. As it is established that Mr and Mrs Fontes are the occupier and Mr Arantes is a trespasser, Section 1(3) Pete could be liable for the psychiatric injury suffered by Alan. The term psychiatric . It may also follow that he is a secondary victim as he would therefore still not be within the range of foreseeable injury for in spirituality the purpose of no to drugs Page v Smith.12 The law relating to both lay and professional rescuers has been established in intelligence, that lay rescuers can succeed in a. From this judgement, it provided the basic structure of the "Neighbour Principle" test. This test illustrated that the defendant might have been able to foresee that their actions, might lead to saying no to drugs essay, the injury of an individual. Over the years, the "Neighbour Principle" test has been improved, in order to make an essay in spirituality, accurate understanding of duty of care. Defamation Law: A Comparative Study of the US and the UK. to be treated as a separate defamatory offence, and thus, as a separate tort claim. This allows plaintiffs to simply slap multiple defamation claims on the accused, and saying essay, tort claims can continue almost indefinitely. As a result, this rule has the impact of keeping the ap world history essays over, press in a reluctant state. of student written work Annotated by. experienced teachers Ideas and feedback to. improve your own work. Marked by Teachers, The Student Room and Get Revising are all trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. TurnItIn – the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: Want to read the rest? Sign up to saying no to drugs, view the whole essay and download the PDF for anytime access on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Start learning 29% faster today 150,000+ documents available Just £6.99 a month. Looking for expert help with your Law work? Created by teachers, our study guides highlight the really important stuff you need to essay on causes in africa, know.

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Картинки по запросу saying no to drugs essay

The deaths of Tybalt and Mercutio occur in Act 3 Scene 1. The scene begins with Benvolio and Mercutio talking. Saying No To? Benvolio is trying to persuade Mercutio to leave because, if the snowday essay Capulets are around, there would be trouble e. g. “I pray thee good Mercutio let’s retire”. Benvolio is used by Shakespeare as a peacemaker, he will not argue or upset anybody and will not side with anyone as he is neither Capulet or Montague, he is, however, Romeo’s friend. When Tybalt enters, he is very confident and saying drugs, obviously thought greatly of himself. Essay In Spirituality? He was looking for Romeo whom he wants to fight. Mercutio was teasing Tybalt because of his name, Tibalt was a cat in an old story so he calls Tybalt a “rat-catcher” and “king of cats”. Later, when Romeo appears, he doesn’t want to fight because he and Tybalt are now related. This is called dramatic irony, as we know Romeo has married Juliet but the other characters don’t. Saying Essay? Mercutio and Tybalt end up fighting and, as Romeo tries to stop the fight, Tybalt stabs Mercutio. He dies after being accidentally wounded under Romeo’s arm. Because of this Romeo seeks revenge and kills Tybalt. Romeo realises there will be trouble so he runs away. The Prince and Lord and ap world history essays time, Lady Capulet and no to essay, Montague arrive to find out what’s happened. Benvolio explains and the Prince banishes Romeo from essay on causes in africa Verona. At the beginning of the scene the characters speak in prose which is informal language, this is a chatty style of talking. The younger characters all speak prose to one another unless they are talking to someone of a higher status. Drugs Essay? The Lord and ap world history over time, Lady Capulet and Montague speak in saying poetry, this is formal language and emotional, people of a lower status or young people speak to them in poetry to show respect. The Prince also talks in poetry because he is the ruler of Verona in the play. It could be said that any number of people or factors are to saying no to blame for the deaths. Firstly, you could argue that Tybalt is to emotional intelligence blame because if he hadn’t challenged Romeo to a duel, Mercutio would not have stepped in and there would not have been a fight between them which resulted in Mercutio’s death. Saying No To Drugs? If the death of Mercutio hadn’t occurred Tybalt would not have been slain by Romeo. Therefore if Tybalt did not want Romeo dead, he and Mercutio would both be alive and probably even the intelligence death of essay, Romeo and Juliet could have been prevented. On the other hand. You could say it was Mercutio’s fault because if he hadn’t agreed to on causes of poverty go to no to the Capulet party, Romeo would not have followed and then that could have prevented the emotional argument between Tybalt and him. Also if Mercutio hadn’t started the fight with Tybalt, he would not have died. In the scene Mercutio was really teasing Tybalt, making him quite angry. When Mercutio drew his sword the pair instantly started fighting, which only happened because they thought they would bring honour to their families if they won. Saying No To Drugs? Mercutio would not have been involved at all had it not been for Romeos refusal to fight Tybalt. Only the nurse, friar, audience and in spirituality, couple themselves know the reason, which was that Romeo and Juliet had got married that morning. Romeo could not fight Tybalt because they were now related. “… and so good Capulet, which name I tender as dearly as my own, be satisfied. ” were the words spoken to Tybalt by Romeo which probably confused him because the two families had an “ancient grudge” and were known to hate each other. Tybalt probably wondered why Romeo now loved the Capulets as much as he loved his own family, the Montagues. Saying No To? This is an essay on causes of poverty, example of dramatic irony. You could therefore argue that Romeo is to blame for no to drugs essay, Mercutio’s death because if Romeo was not so love-struck when he met Juliet he wouldn’t have married her. The day before he was totally in essay workplace love with Rosaline. If the essay marriage between Juliet and him hadn’t happened then Romeo probably would have fought Tybalt and Mercutio would not have been involved at all, therefore Mercutio would not have been killed. Essay Of Poverty In Africa? Duels were more popular between young men because it gave them the chance to show off their swordsmanship. Mercutio blames the feud for his death: “a plague on both your houses”. There would not have been any cause for fighting if the feud was non-existant. If there was no grudge between them, Tybalt and Romeo would not have been against each other. The feud between the essay Capulets and Montagues had been going on for so long, nobody knew what started it. Both families hated each other and fights were quite common between them. There were many feuds between powerful families in Italy at that time. Of Poverty? It was very dangerous and drugs essay, people were killed in the fighting. Tybalt did not like Romeo because of what he heard about him from others, and also because he was a Montague. Romeo and Juliet’s marriage would not have had to have been a secret if the families liked each other. Workplace? If the Capulets found out about Romeo and Juliet’s marriage they would have him killed for drugs, dishonouring their family. You were expected to defend the things you care about. In Spirituality Workplace? Shakespeares intention in no to this scene, however, is to show the in spirituality workplace characters behave the way they do because of the saying society and age they lived in. Honour was very important to everyone in those days and it was vital having people honour you. The Montagues and Capulets would fight in order to win honour for their families. Winning a duel was something to be proud of as your family would honour and respect you. That was usually the reason for all the fighting Tybalt was honourable in essay in spirituality his family because he was an excellent swordsman and won many duels. In addition it was a very male orientated society, you would never see women out un-chaperoned. No To Drugs? Women who walked the streets alone were considered prostitutes unless they were married, they had to be accompanied when in public. Sword fighting was almost an every day thing. Men were always fighting for emotional, their honour in no to essay the streets. They thought they were marvellous after winning a fight so they fought all the time to try and win and essay, be honoured. We also need to consider exactly why Shakespeare wanted to eliminate Mercutio and Tybalt in this scene. He does this so, from now on, the audience can give their undivided attention to saying no to Romeo and Juliet. If Mercutio came on stage people would expect a laugh and workplace, a joke. He was a very high-spirited character who was comical and no to drugs, witty. Essay Workplace? Shakespeare had to “get rid of” Mercutio because, compared to drugs him, Romeo seemed so weak and boring. Tybalt was a very charismatic, confident character and seemed almost like a bully. If he was still there the audience would be interested in his sarcastic ways and how he liked to make people feel small, Romeo and Juliet would not be centre of attention like they needed to be. Also this is where the play becomes more serious, in the tragic second half of the play there wasn’t really a place for Mercutio’s high spirits or Tybalt’s so he had to go to make sure the audience would concentrate on the main story. The play would also have started to “drag” if he hadn’t killed off some characters. After this scene, neither the Nurse or Benvolio are seen again because also they are not needed, they have done their bit now and Shakespeare needs to get on with making Romeo and Juliet the main characters. If Benvolio was still there he would still be peace-making with everybody when the play needed some tragedy whilst leading up to the death of Romeo and change, Juliet. This is an excellent example of stagecraft and shows Shakespeare the dramatist at saying no to drugs work. In conclusion, having considered all the evidence, I think that no-one is to blame for the death of Tybalt and Mercutio because there are many What ifs? But they are not what happened. Mercutio and Tybalt were at the wrong place at the wrong time, they were just very unlucky. Fate decides what happens to everybody, and what happens just happens, there is no changing it. Everything happens for a reason and in this case fate intervened and they died, it’s no-one’s fault. University/College: University of California. Type of essay in spirituality workplace, paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 28 August 2017. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Who is to blame for saying no to essay, the deaths of tybalt and mercutio? for only ads $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the saying no to essay Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample. For Only $13.90/page. 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 267, Wilminton, DE 19808, USA.
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